Tye told me that my dress was ridiculous, he literally said. "Please tell me your not wearing that...." Sorry I thought, I'm not taking fashion advice from a 9 year old.
Call us crazy, but it's pretty fun.
We took a boat ride and had brunch at the boat house. It was also fun to see all the locations that movies were shot at. You almost felt that you had been there before.
Now, I mentioned that we shopped. But we Really Shopped! We took a behind the scenes shopping & clothing tour in the garment district. I have no sense of fashion, but I pretended for a day! Luckily I had the right girls with me to help me out!
We did shop, literally till we dropped! But you can't help yourself! The shopping is indescribable, and fashion is such a part of life. Now let's put this in perspective. I live in De Pere Wisconsin, the anchor stores in the mall are Kohl's and Shopko, although we do have a Yonkers! But my daily life consists of jeans and a sweatshirt, maybe an occasional set of earrings. Seriously, I hardly ever dress up. I'm a Mom and I have 8,000 cattle in my backyard. Plus, who wears pearls to the baseball field? So to spend 6 days feasting on how cute I could be....was fun!
The highlight of the shopping was at Tiffany's where we all got matching Tiffany Toggle bracelets with matching Tiffany charms, it is a beautiful bracelet, but it's the memories and experience behind it that make it so special!
I also mentioned that we ate. This is the most truthful statement, I have NeVeR iN mY LiFe aTe So WeLL. The food actually had flavor, it was actually hot and I actually indulged at almost every meal, including breakfast. I have tried to erase the amount of food we consumed, but the memories are still there, and the fact that I had to wear strechy pants on the airplane home didn't even bother me! My tastebuds were in HeAveN!
Mothers day is always a little interesting...
6:54: Tate comes stumbling out of bed rubbing his eyes looking at the clock.
6:55: "Mom, why are you awake, it's Mothers Day?"
Little does he know I've already been up for an hour, did the dishes from the night before, found Taylor's church shoes, checked my email, copied handouts for young women's the list goes on...
6:55 1/2: Mom to Son. "Thanks for remembering it's Mothers Day, would you like me to open your present?" Tate brought a present home from school on Thursday and he's been dying for me to open it.
6:56 Son to Mom. "No, I want you to go back to bed so I can bring you breakfast."
6:561/2 Mom to Son. "That's so nice of you, buy Mom has already started breakfast." (We had company staying with us. Sourdough pancakes, were on the way, thanks to the Uncle Ron tradition).
6:57 Son to Mom. "Can we get a rooster?"
6:57 1/4 Mom to Son. "What?"
6:57 1/2 Son to Mom. "A rooster, maybe then, I can wake up early than you in the morning?"
6:58 Mom to Son. "I'll think about it." (We already have 7478 head of cattle, 3 horses, 2 lambs which is an entire story I have yet to post and 1 dog and 1 dog that wants to join our family).
Son runs off to play....
7:03 Son to Mom. "Have you thought about it?"
7:03 1/2 Mom to Son. "Thought about what?"
7:04 Son to Mom. "Duh....the Rooster...."
7:05 Mom to Son. "Oh, not yet, Do we really need one more thing that poops around here?"
7:06 Son to Mom. "Your so mean, you never let us have anything....."
7:06 1/2 The moment I realized I'm really not a huge fan of Mothers Day.
Tate did make me a little CD Cover
"Happy Meter's Day"
Inside, he drew a picture of me and a photo of him. At least he drew me skinny....
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