Sunday, December 27, 2009


We had a Fabulous Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

I've decided the thing I love most about Christmas Eve is all of the year to year traditions we do. For example, the gingerbread houses. My kids believe that the houses are a gift to the elves that visit all year - a snack - according to Sissy that they eat throughout the year. The fun part is that they are actually starting to look like houses, in years past our houses have turned out pretty grim...

The elves also bring the Christmas Pajamas for the year. I can look at any Christmas picture, look at the pajamas the kids are wearing and can tell you everything about that year!

It's one of my favorite traditions.....

We also usually have a really formal Christmas Eve dinner, but this year all I did was fix 4 different soups, it was still great, but we always have dinner by candle light. (And yes, my kids still spend most of the dinner fighting over who gets to blow the candles out!)

Every year they anxiously await hearing Santa's Bells - (The signal that Santa is close, and ready to land, but can't because the kids are still awake) This year in particular they were glued to the window. Tate especially was checking every few minutes waiting to hear the bells. Trust me, this in the only night of the year the kids don't argue about going to sleep!

We hurry and made some Cookies for Santa, but hopefully he was full...are cookies...not so hot!

Wes read the traditional Christmas Bedtime story, Twas the Night before Christmas.

And soon......they were all sound asleep - in my bed, unfortunately.

One picture before all the excitement begins, although this year it was pretty rough getting them to cooperate with the shot, think I had to take 4 before I could get them to look at me instead of the presents!

Taylor got her Make Up, (Which has been nothing but a nightmare) and all of her Saddle Club Girls.

Tate finally got the horses he has been waiting for. (For weeks, every time we go to Fleet Farm, a big ranch store, he has left in tears over these tiny little horses) It's seriously was all he needed to make him happy.

Tye got his signed Peyton Manning helmet, and yes, I Know, Santa was a little extreme this year!

But the funny thing was, Tate was obsessed with an electric pencil sharpener that Santa brought. He & Taylor seriously spent hours, I mean hours sharpening every pencil in the house. All day long zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, my sister would day, What is that noise? I would say, "Don't worry, it's just the pencil sharpener." I swear it was smoking by the end of the day.Tye spent hours playing Checkers with Grandpa, until after about 13 games and he finally won! He does not give up, and as soon as he won, trust me, the whole house knew!

Christmas afternoon includes a messy house and everyone relaxing!

But my favorite moment of the day I don't have a picture of. It was late in the afternoon and I was exhausted. I laid down in my bed for a few minutes and Tye came in and laid down by me. (This is a rare occasion in and of its self, Tye is not a Snuggler.) He said "Mom, Christmas was fabulous, Thank you Mom." I literally almost fell off the bed. I just held him, forgot about how tired I was and started thinking about how much this day was worth it. I truly love Christmas!

(PS. I am taking applications for anyone interested in helping me take all this Christmas's definitely the worst part of the season!)


Audra said...

I really need Tate to come visit...I have tons of pencils that I need sharpened! I hate doing that job- I spend the entire time thinking how I could be doing something so much more productive than sitting in my classroom "zzzzzzzzzzzzzz"ing! Also, I wished for a Manning...any of them would do or just their checkbook!

Looks like you guys had a fun Christmas! Missed you!

Kris said...

Such cute photos of the kiddos. I need to be more like you and take pictures that relate to what we are doing. I just snap when the mood hits me or I remember. You didn't mention what Santa brought mommy! Any hunting stuff for hubby this year? Mine didn't get any....gosh darnnit. Happy New Year!

MyrLynn said...

WE got a pencil sharpener last year for christmas. We could have saved alot of money and just got that csuse it is probably the only present from that year that they still play with. OUr pencils are always sharp!

Karry said...

And by "fixing four different kinds of soup" she means heating it up...right Kim? At least it wasn't Campbell’s! LOL.

Mrs. Olsen said...

Pencil sharpeners and oversized boxes...always a Christmas hit.

I love your traditions. Looks like you had a great Christmas.