My husband has been on a 9 day hunting trip, and tonight, he's home AT LAST! Don't get me wrong, I'm happy that he's been able to go but let me tell you a little about the time he's been gone. I had originally planned all these little fun activities for the kids & I. I knew that trying to get all 3 kids and to their activities, plus add a few of my own was going to be rough....but I planned it out and thought I had every covered. I was also in charge of the ranch while he was gone, but recently hired a young man to help us so I thought we would be fine.
Does anything in life go as planned?
On Monday the guy we hired called in sick - for the week!!!!
By Tuesday, Sick child Number 1
Although this sick child is a littler harder to deal with because she lives underneath our kitchen table. I'm not kidding. She has her bed down there, toys, books, a phone, her babies....and in her words "It's my HOUSE". If you look closely below you can see her pink phone in the sick of her kitchen. Every time I have to check on her I have to crawl done under the table....nice huh? (one more side note, she always has to have a flashlight on underneath the table....cause that's hers light!)
I would call Wes each night and tell him everything that was happening between the kids and the ranch, and he felt bad. Not bad enough to hop on a plane and come home, but bad enough to get the service of Martha Stewart Flowers. com! It was a nice surprise!
So every night while he was being wined and dined eating steak and lobster at this private hunting lodge in Kansas, or his 5 day Elk hunt in Jackson Hole....I was at home, eating hospital food and thinking how much I'm glad that I'm not a single mom, thinking one sick child in hard...3 is a disaster,thinking that the fact that he puts his wet towels on my bed drives my crazy, but he's worth it, thinking that if someone actually saw the condition of my home I would die, thinking that it's time I cashed in the massage certificate I've been hanging on to, thinking I'm so glad he'll be back at the ranch, thinking I better wash all the sheets today (minus, sissy's bed - wink wink!!) thinking it's a good thing I haven't left the house in a week because my roots are so bad that a trip to the salon is 5 1/2 weeks over due, thinking that I'm not going to get away with grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner any more, thinking I'm happy that my husband had a great trip, and actually got tons of birds in Kansas and a elk in Wyoming, but mostly thinking ....that tonight, AT LAST, he's home!!!!!
You ate a large cup of soap and a chocolate mouse? Eww. That’s disgusting. No wonder you're all sick. LOL.
Yikes - three sick kids and no husband! Does not sound very fun to me. Hopefully everyone is starting to feel better.
All right, so maybe next time I better proof my entry a little closer at 5:00 in the any means he arrives in less than an hour, and hopefully I'll quit feeling like I'm losing my mind...and stop craving more mouse!!!
Yes, having 3 sick kids with no hubby around would be miserable. At least the hubby wasn't sick! That sucks in my household. I did chuckle when I saw your flowers. When Paul was gone for over a week hunting I always received a dozen roses. This year he came home after only 4 days so I didn't get any...yea, I wasn't happy!!
I am so glad that your kids are doing better. I hope that it continues. That pnemonia is mean. We love you and hope that all is still okay. Love us
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